From Dirac Notation to Probability Bracket Notation,
Information Retrieval (IR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Author: Dr. Xing M (Sherman) Wang
Dirac notation (or Bra-ket notation) is a very powerful and indispensable tool for modern physicists.
Unfortunately it is only taught in
Quantum Mechanics .
I believe it would be great to
introduce it in Applied Mathematics (like Linear Algebra ).
On the other hand, while studying probability theories, I felt that it would be very helpful
if we had a similar notation to represent or derive probabilistic formulas .
That was why I posted following articles online, in which Dirac Notation
was insroduced to IR, and Probability Bracket Notation was proposed and applied to IR and AI.
No mater you agree or disagree with my work, I welcome and appreciate your opinions.
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1: Dirac Notation, Fock Space and Riemann Metric Tensor in IR Models
PDF: Current (06/21/2011);
Using Dirac Notation as a powerful tool, we investigate the three classical Information Retrieval (IR)
models and some their extensions. We show that almost all such models can be described by vectors
in Occupation Number Representations (ONR) of Fock spaces with various specifications on, e.g., occupation number,
inner product or term-term interactions. As an important cases of study, Concep Fock Spacs (CFS) is intruduced for Boolean Model; the basic formulas for
Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) Model are manipulated in terms of Dirac notation.
And, based on SVD, a Riemannian metric tensor is introduced, which not only can be used to calculate the relevance of
documents to a query, but also may be used to measure the closeness of documents in data clustering.
2: Probability Bracket Notation, Markov Chains, Stochestic Processes and microscopic probabilistic processes
PDF: Current (09/04/2024);
Inspired by the Dirac vector probability notation (VPN), we propose the Probability Bracket Notation (PBN),
a new set of symbols defined similarly (but not identically) as in the VPN. Applying the PBN to fundamental
definitions and theorems for discrete and continuous random variables, we show that the PBN could play
a similar role in the probability space as the VBN in the Hilbert vector. Our system P-kets are identified
with the probability vectors in Markov chains (MC). The master equation of homogeneous MC in the Schrodinger
pictures can be basis-independent. Our system P-bra is linked to the Doi state function and the Peliti
standard bra. Transformed from the Schrodinger picture to the Heisenberg picture, the time dependence of the
system P-ket of a homogeneous MC (HMC) is shifted to the observable as a stochastic process.
Using the correlations established by the special Wick rotation (SWR), the microscopic probabilistic processes
(MPPs) are investigated for single and many-particle systems. The expected occupation number of particles
in quantum statistics is reproduced by associating time with temperature (the Wick-Matsubara relation).
3: Induced Hilbert Space, Markov Chain, Diffusion Map and Fock Space in Thermophysics
PDF: Current (04/08/2007);
In this article, we continue to explore Probability Bracket Notation (PBN), proposed in our previous article.
Using both Dirac vector bracket notation (VBN) and PBN, we define induced Hilbert space and induced sample space,
and propose that there exists an equivalence relation between a Hilbert space and a probability sample space constructed
from the same base observable(s). Then we investigate Markov transition matrices and their eigenvectors to make diffusion
maps with two examples: a simple graph theory example, to serve as a prototype of bidirectional transition operator;
a famous text document example in IR literature, to serve as a tutorial of diffusion map in text document space.
We notice that, in both examples, the sample space of the Markov chain and the Hilbert space spanned by the
eigenvectors of the transition matrix are not equivalent. At the end, we apply our PBN and equivalence proposal
to Thermophysics by associating phase space with Hilbert space or Fock space of many-particle systems.
4: Probability Bracket Notation:
Term Vector Space, Concept Fock Space and Induced Probabilistic IR Models
PDF: Current (06/21/2011);
After a brief introduction to Probability Bracket Notation (PBN) for discrete random variables in time-independent probability spaces,
we apply both PBN and Dirac notation to investigate probabilistic modeling for information retrieval (IR). We derive the expressions of relevance
of document to query (RDQ) for various probabilistic models, induced by Term Vector Space (TVS) and by Concept Fock Space (CFS).
The inference network model (INM) formula is symmetric and can be used to evaluate relevance of document to document (RDD);
the CFS-induced models contain ingredients of all three classical IR models. The relevance formulas are tested and compared on different scenarios against a famous textbook example.
5: Probability Bracket Notation, Multivariable Systems and Static Bayesian Networks
PDF: Current (10/07/2012);
Probability Bracket Notation (PBN) is applied to systems of multiple random variables for preliminary study of static Bayesian Networks (BN) and
Probabilistic Graphic Models (PGM). The famous
Student BN Example is explored to show the local independences and reasoning power of a BN.
Software package
is used to graphically display the student BN. Our investigation shows that PBN provides a consistent and convenient
alternative to manipulate many expressions related to joint, marginal and conditional probability distributions in static BN.
6: Probability Bracket Notation: Markov Sequence Projector of Visible and Hidden Markov Models in Dynamic Bayesian Networks
PDF: Current (12/06/2012);
With the symbolic framework of Probability Bracket Notation (PBN),
the Markov Sequence Projector (MSP) is introduced to expand the evolution
formula of Homogeneous Markov Chains (HMCs). The well-known weather example,
a Visible Markov Model (VMM), illustrates that the full joint probability
of a VMM corresponds to a specifically projected Markov state sequence in the
expanded evolution formula. In a Hidden Markov Model (HMM),
the probability basis (P-basis) of the hidden Markov state sequence and
the P-basis of the observation sequence exist in the sequential event space.
The full joint probability of an HMM is the product of the (unknown) projected
hidden sequence of Markov states and their transformations into the observation
P-bases. The Viterbi algorithm is applied to the famous Weather-Stone HMM
example to determine the most likely weather-state sequence given the observed
stone-state sequence. Our results are verified using the Elvira software package.
Using the PBN, we unify the evolution formulas for Markov models like VMMs,
HMMs, and factorial HMMs (with discrete time). We briefly investigated
the extended HMM, addressing the feedback issue, and the continuous-time
VMM and HMM (with discrete or continuous states). All these models are
subclasses of Dynamic Bayesian Networks (DBNs) essential for Machine Learning (ML)
and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
7: Thematic Clustering and the Dual Representations of Text Objects
PDF: Current (01/02/2017);
We introduce Thematic Clustering , a new methodology to discover clusters of a set of text documents and,
at the same time, to define the theme of each cluster by using its top frequent keywords.
Our procedure is based on the ideal of dual representations (TF rep and Concept rep) of text
objects (docs or clusters) in term space. We derive cluster TF reps in initial clustering,
use them to reduce term space and then renovate clusters. Our test results on three well-known
data sets (Disease, Star and Reuters) are very promising: the formed clusters and their themes almost
perfectly match our knowledge about the data sets.
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