Source code for: ''

show hello world syntax for input language name; note that it uses r'...'
raw strings so that '\n' in the table are left intact, and cgi.escape()
on the string so that things like '<<' don't confuse browsers--they are
translated to valid HTML code; any language name can arrive at this script,
since explicit URLs "http://servername/cgi-bin/"
can be typed in a web browser or sent by a script (urllib.request.urlopen).
caveats: the languages list appears in both the CGI and HTML files--could
import from single file if selection list generated by a CGI script too;

debugme  = False                                 # True=test from cmd line
inputkey = 'language'                            # input parameter name

hellos = {
    'Python':    r" print('Hello World')               ",
    'Python2':   r" print 'Hello World'                ",
    'Perl':      r' print "Hello World\n";             ',
    'Tcl':       r' puts "Hello World"                 ',
    'Scheme':    r' (display "Hello World") (newline)  ',
    'SmallTalk': r" 'Hello World' print.               ",
    'Java':      r' System.out.println("Hello World"); ',
    'C':         r' printf("Hello World\n");           ',
    'C++':       r' cout << "Hello World" << endl;     ',
    'Basic':     r' 10 PRINT "Hello World"             ',
    'Fortran':   r" print *, 'Hello World'             ",
    'Pascal':    r" WriteLn('Hello World');            "

class dummy:                                       # mocked-up input obj
    def __init__(self, str): self.value = str

import cgi, sys
if debugme:
    form = {inputkey: dummy(sys.argv[1])}          # name on cmd line
    form = cgi.FieldStorage()                      # parse real inputs

print('Content-type: text/html\n')                 # adds blank line
<body text="#000000" leftmargin=0 topmargin=0 bgcolor="#C2C2C6">
<table width=850 border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
  <td align=center>

print('<H1>Syntax</H1><HR><table border=3 cellpadding=3>')

def showHello(form):                               # HTML for one language
    choice = form[inputkey].value
    print('<tr><td valign=top><H3>%s</H3><td><PRE>' % choice)
    except KeyError:
        print("Sorry--I don't know that language")

if not inputkey in form or form[inputkey].value == 'All':
    for lang in hellos.keys():
        mock = {inputkey: dummy(lang)}